International Women's Day

08 March 2023

International Women's Day is an opportunity for celebration and reflection. On this day, I celebrate that my daughters, Lily and Isobel, will grow up in a fairer country. I reflect on my 86-year-old mum, a nurse, artist and advocate for women, and the journey she has taken to help make positive change. Such change means that I can stand here today as part of the first federal government with a female majority.

The Labor Party has always driven gender equality and progress for women. Under Labor, Australia had its first female Prime Minister. And Labor has policies that drive equality of opportunity: cheaper child care, enabling women to return to work, build a career, earn a wage and save for retirement; the greatest boost to paid parental leave since the scheme was introduced by Labor in 2011; and, now, 10 days paid domestic violence leave so that no woman is forced to choose between safety and her job. I'm proud that 13 years ago, when I was Mayor of Surf Coast Shire, we were the first organisation across our nation to introduce such leave.

Today is about more than celebrating our past accomplishments. We must continue to address the challenges women face every day and create an environment where women will thrive. When women thrive, we all thrive. Happy International Women's Day!