21 February 2023

Six local townships will now receive faster, more reliable NBN as part of the Albanese Government’s investment in a world-class, full-fibre broadband connection to 1.5 million premises.

Homes and businesses in Clifton Springs, Indented Head, Jan Juc, Point Lonsdale, Portarlington and St Leonards will benefit from this rollout with faster speeds and access to more data.

This rollout honours our election commitment to improve regional connectivity.

Our plan gives a $2.4 billion investment over four years, this includes over 660,000 premises in regional Australia.

The benefits of a world-class fibre broadband include faster upload and download speeds, and a more reliable connection. The benefits are even more pronounced for larger households if many devices are used, as higher speeds means the whole family can be online at the same time.
In just six years, data use has tripled on the NBN – and that exponential growth is expected to continue as customer demands continue to grow in response to new technology.
An upgrade will be available on-demand where an eligible household orders a higher speed plan than would currently be available to them over copper.

NBN Co expects eligible premises within these announced suburbs will be able to access a full-fibre upgrade from 2024.
The remaining locations to be upgraded as part of the Government’s investment in expanding full-fibre access are expected to be announced by early 2024.
For a full list of eligible suburbs or to register for updates, visit: www.nbnco.com.au/residential/upgrades/fttp-upgrade-with-higher-speed-tiers.

For more information on the Albanese Government’s investment, visit: minister.infrastructure.gov.au/rowland/media-release/albanese-government-delivers-major-nbn-boost-2022-23-federal-budget.
Quotes attributable to Minister for Communications, the Hon Michelle Rowland MP:
"Affordable, reliable and high-speed broadband is no longer a ‘nice to have’. It is an economic and social necessity that will drive productivity improvements and global competitiveness.
“For too long, Australians stuck on the Coalition’s ageing copper network have been held back by slow and unreliable broadband.

Quotes attributable to Libby Coker MP, Federal Member for Corangamite:

“The Albanese Government’s $2.4 billion investment will enable the NBN’s full potential. We’re giving families and small businesses access to the world-class broadband infrastructure they deserve.”
“Our investment in full-fibre NBN will see up to 90 per cent of premises in the fixed line footprint able to access world-class gigabit download speeds by 2025.”