07 March 2023

Australian story showcased by Netflix’s Surviving Summer

Australia’s creative industries sector is recovering, with filming on the Netflix teen drama Surviving Summer season 2, currently taking place on Victoria’s Surf Coast, Federal Member for Corangamite Libby Coker visited the cast and crew of the hit Netflix show last week and was thrilled to see the production was showcasing the region and Australian stories again.

Filming locations have included Twisters Torquay, the Jan Juc Surf Lifesaving Club, Point Danger, Strapper Surfboards, and various private properties throughout the region, whilst the production includes notable Australian actors.

The Albanese Government will support creative industries through Revive, the National Cultural Policy, said Ms Coker.

The centrepiece of Revive is the establishment of Creative Australia, which will restore and modernise the Australia Council for the Arts.

With an additional $199 million in funding over 4 years from 2023–24, Creative Australia will provide greater strategic oversight and engagement across the sector.

Ms Coker will deliver a speech to Parliament this afternoon on the topic of the new funding.

The Minister for the Arts and the Minister for Communications Tony Burke is set to undertake further consultation with industry in the first half of 2023 on the details of actions to be taken and implementation as part of the Commonwealth’s broader reforms to media legislation.

Comments attributed to Minister for the Arts Tony Burke: “Under Revive, there will be a place for every story and a story for every place. It is a comprehensive roadmap for Australia’s arts and culture that touches all areas of government, from cultural diplomacy in foreign affairs to health and education.

“Our artists are creators and workers. This sector is essential for our culture and for our economy. As the sector recovers from years of neglect followed by the tough pandemic period, Revive will set the arts sector on a new trajectory with fresh momentum.”

To read the National Cultural Policy in full, visit: www.arts.gov.au/culturalpolicy

Quotes attributable to the Member for Corangamite, Libby Coker MP:
“It’s vitally important that Australians see themselves, hear themselves, and can relate to stories available on a global platform.”

“After years of neglect following the pandemic period, the workers of the arts and creative industries sector have reason to be excited.”

“The National Cultural Policy is an endorsement of Australian arts and our creative industries, finally these workers will be supported by a government that cares.”