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26 June 2024

We know the weekly grocery bill is just too high, and we know that farmers are often pressured to undersell their products to the big supermarkets.

It’s not good enough, particularly now when people are facing cost of living pressures.

That’s why we are introducing a mandatory Food and Grocery Code of Conduct that will hold supermarkets to account – particularly the big two – with significant fines for overcharging.

And we’re providing funding to CHOICE to do a quarterly assessment of which supermarket has the cheapest basket of groceries. All you need to do, is go to the CHOICE website to find out who’s the cheapest.

We’re also giving farmers the support they need – to speak out without fear of retribution – when they believe they’re being pressured into underselling their product.

We want to be a nation that grows our own food, and we need to back in our farmers so they can afford to do it.

These measures are all about giving consumers a fair go and giving our producers a fair go.